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Writer's picturePastor Daiva


Updated: Sep 17

“He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters” Psalm 23:2


The phrase “being led” needs at least two things, one is “the one who leads” and another is “one who is being led”.

The two main  characters in this Psalm is what makes this Psalm so rich in biblical truths, One character is the Shepherd and another is the Sheep. One is “Yahweh God Being the Shepherd” and another is “David Being The Sheep”. This is the frame work in which the whole Psalm has to be understood and interpreted.

Now the phrase in our consideration  is gloriously completed when we say “Yahweh God is the Shepherd leading His Sheep David”. This psalm is completely meaningful and applicable not only when  we know our Shepherd as David knew His, but also when we follow the Shepherd like “the Sheep David” followed Him. David was an exemplary Sheep”, “man after God’s own heart”.

“ …green pastures…still waters…”

Now what do these convey?

They simply mean “not just pastures but green pastures, not just waters but still waters” 

in other words “providence of best and healthy food, providence of good and safe water and providence of great and satisfying rest”.


When many read this verse, Psalm 23:2 their immediate attention goes to “green pastures and still waters”, and from this perspective they view the Shepherd. In this life there are many things that we strongly desire, but out of them “good and healthy nourishment  and great and satisfying rest” lies in the center of all. And this strong desire is almost controlling the present culture and is leading it. Sadly, even the  present Christianity is also controlled and led by the same strong desires. So, we choose our career paths which can promise “green pastures and still waters”, we choose the jobs which can promise them, we choose life partners who can promise them,  and we aspire for the cities and the countries which promise them. I think sometimes we also choose our Shepherd  because He provides “green pastures and still waters”. Sadly ,for many, their faith seems to begin and end at that.

“The green pastures and the still waters” are the result of “Being Led”. Our aim and end should not be “green pastures and the still waters”, Instead, Our aim and end should always be “to be led by the Good Shepherd”. 

We are many times are like those sheep who rejoice over “the green pastures and still waters”,not like David, who rejoices over his faithful Shepherd.


When David, inspired by the Holy Ghost penned down this Psalm, his focus was primarily on the Shepherd and His characteristics. It is important that we should know the meaning of “green pastures & still waters”, but it is much more necessary and important for us to learn about the Shepherd and His characteristics.

This Shepherd knows THE NEEDS OF THE SHEEP and LEADS THEM ACCORDINGLY, The Yahweh God our Shepherd labors for His sheep. “The Shepherd WORKS i.e The Shepherd INVESTS HIS LIFE, LABOUR & STRENGTH in keeping His sheep from being “IN WANT””. (Verse 1)

Who is the Shepherd who faithfully worked for heavenly food, heavenly protection, miraculous water, heavenly guidance to a rebellious nation for forty years? Who worked to provide the land and an identity to an ungrateful nation? Who provided the hope and promises of restoration to the nation which was led into captivity because of their sins?

It is the Lord God of the Bible. He is faithful who proved in His faithfulness to the most unfaithful and ungrateful people. 

Who should be our aim and end then? Is it “green pastures and still waters” or “The Faithful Shepherd and His Leadings”?. David reveals through this beautiful imagery in this beautiful Psalm, The Shepherd Who Leads Us In His Faithfulness”.

And the Lord God who knows our needs, leads us in His faithfulness to “The Good Shepherd, His Son Jesus Christ”. When we hear His Son, Should we not follow Him? (John 10:25-30).

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